dinsdag 23 december 2008

Suck that dick!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. These are some fabulous - and not unpersuasive - exchanges of enthusiasm, with the elegance and reciprocity in the portrait of Joel and Travis carrying the day for me; but plainly, you are on to a fine subject, and I encourage your pursuit of it.

  2. hey ... what happened to those other cum shots? there were some RLY hot ones... and there was one i rly wanted the video to!! please re-load !!!

  3. What can be lovelier, than to be fed the luscious anus of the hot guy sucking our dick? We all know how the joy of life’s first penis in our marveling mouth abides tenaciously, still, in a tireless inclination. But the greater intimacy of anus’ collaborating suck of our lapping tongue confirmed an equal footing in our delight, for both of the apogees of the penis feedback loop. And does not anus' precious foil seethe as candidly for fuck, the more its entry loop is laved and lushened, as any brim of penispith in flare to lock and load its pithy capital within the seizing vault?
